Sunday, October 25, 2009

He comes home.

We get home and I start making arrangements to get him back here. I board so ask my barn owner first. She says sure she can go with me the next day to get him. Just call her in the morning. So I wait all night barely sleeping. My daughter has no clue about her new horse at this time.
The next morning gets here and I get out of bed at the butt crack of dawn wide awake for no reason. I should have gone back to bed. I wait till 9AM to call the BO and find out her truck is in need of repair. OH NO! But we can barrow the trailer if we want. Now all we have is a 1993 Chevy astro van with a hitch . So we go into over drive. We think it can pull it. So we go off and hitch the van up and head off. Drive the hour to get there and load him up. All is going according to plan now.
Not 10 miles from the barn I hear thundering and feel a shaking. I think my poor starved critter has fallen in the trailer. No such luck. I look out my mirror and the tire on the passenger side has blown. OK now I have a horse that's probably gone into orbit in the trailer and a blown tire AND we are running late to pick up kid from school. I get back there check on him and get him out of the trailer just in case some dumb ass doesn't see a huge stock trailer sitting on side of road. So we call the house and get adult kids to bring small preschool age kids to us so I can take one adult kid to work and pick up 9 year old daughter. While husband calls the service truck. Oh yeah did I mention we had no spare.
I get 9 year old kid out of school and we head off to go meet her new horse. We get there and she is all confused since she wanted a bike for her good grades. Well this bike has 4 "tires" and will need some work before you can ride him.

As we are sitting on the side of the road with 3 kids, and a starved horse. And mind you people staring and flipping us off as they drive by some nice people that own the house we are stopped in front of come out and give the new horse some much needed hay. We talk to them and then go decide that where we are is a dangerous spot to put the tire on when the truck gets there. So we reload the boy and the kids and head for a bar parking lot down the road. We then sit for another 2 hours and wait.

Finally the service truck get there and we unload the horse again. Now I do not know if any of you have ever had to deal with a service tire truck but they have some loud nasty equipment on there. These are horse eating machines I tell you. Or so I thought. Apparently my new found little horse is not scared of much. The loud air poofing thing they use to set the tire on the rim scared me but he was fine as frog hair and fell asleep. At one point he tried to check it out. Yes my stepson is texting while a service truck is blowing and hissing around the horse.

After this we loaded up and went to the barn.

This is probably his first good meal in weeks. Poor guy. Vet says hes about 300-400 pounds under weight. Total cost for new cheap horse is $500.

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